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News Plugins

Announcing the IDEAl Plugins for 2009-2010

We’re happy to announce the winners of the fourth JetBrains IDEAl Plugin Contest, in which the users could submit all plugins released between January 1st, 2009 and March 31, 2010. Once again, we’ve received a lot of great submissions, and were quite impressed with the quality of most of them.
And the winners are:

  • Grand PrizeBashSupport by Joachim Ansorg (Germany). It provides comprehensive support for the shell scripting language, and its excellent quality and functionality easily matches or even surpasses the plugins developed internally at JetBrains.
  • Second PrizeAnt Debugger by Alexei Orischenko (Ukraine). This plugin fulfills a long-standing feature request for IntelliJ IDEA, and… well, it just works, exactly as expected.
  • Third PrizeCompare Directories by Olivier DESCOUT (France). It has already gained popularity among our users, and we feel that its nice user interface and continued improvements make it worthy of the prize.
  • Team Leader’s PrizeErlGray, another entry by Joachim Ansorg. While it’s not yet as far along as many other custom language plugins, it’s a very promising development – both because it supports Erlang, and also because the author has chosen Scala as the implementation language for his plugin.
  • Honorable MentionIntelliGuard by Ronnie Kolehmainen from Sweden, Lua by Jon Akhtar from the US, and nginx Support by Max Ishchenko from Russia.

We thank all the participants and congratulate the contest winners on their awards. However, congratulations are also in order for the whole IntelliJ IDEA community on getting new useful plugins. The new submissions can be found in our repository, with a special icon denoting the IntelliJ IDEAL contest winners. Let the downloading begin!

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