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Refactoring in IntelliJ IDEA, Live by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob)

It’s still over 3 months before the holiday season, but we just got a great present from our long time friend Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) — a live refactoring demo performed by the legendary software expert himself. He’s, of course, using IntelliJ IDEA!

Check out this video where Uncle Bob shows some refactoring techniques transforming a “large and ugly” function into a clean and readable piece of Java code, using such refactorings as Rename, Extract Method, Inline Variable, and others. We learn something new every time we watch experts like Uncle Bob.

You can also watch this video on JetBrains TV.

The video is part of the highly recommended “Clean Code” series of educational “code-casts.” More Clean Code videos are available at
Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) is the Master Craftsman at 8th Light Inc.,

As a separate note, Robert C. Martin has recently released a new book “The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers” which we think is a must read for every professional software developer.

Enjoy the demo and develop with pleasure!
-The JetBrains Team

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